Cambridge Candidate Pages – 2021
Cambridge, Massachusetts Municipal Election - Tuesday, November 2, 2021
In Cambridge's proportional representation (PR) elections, you may vote for as many candidates as you please, but you must rank your choices. Give a #1 rank to your top choice, a #2 rank to your next choice, etc. Ranking additional candidates will never hurt your top choice(s). If you assign the same rank to more than one candidate, none of those candidates will receive your vote. To prevent this, incorrectly cast ballots will be rejected and returned to you for correction. This way every vote will count as intended. Please read as much as you can about all of the candidates and make an informed choice. Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021. [Where do I vote?] [Polling locations - 2021 (PDF version (2021))]
[Calendar: 2021 Campaign Event Listings and Candidate Forums]
Ballot Question Information (includes arguments for and against)
Cambridge’s ballot questions explained: Here’s what you need to know (Oct 14, 2021, Cambridge Chronicle)
Candidates for Cambridge City Council (19 candidates for 9 seats) Click on the candidate and page will open in a separate window.
Candidates for Cambridge School Committee (9 candidates for 6 seats) Click on the candidate and page will open in a separate window.
Official 2021 Cambridge Municipal Election Calendar (and advice for candidates)
Please Note: Potential changes to state law regarding voter registration
and early voting for Municipal Elections may require a revised calendar.
Thurs, July 1: | Municipal Election Nomination Papers available at Election Commission office.
The requirements to run for City Council or School Committee are: 1. The person must be a registered voter in Cambridge. To register, one must be 18 years of age by Election Day, a U.S. citizen and a resident in the City of Cambridge. 2. The person must file no fewer than fifty (50) and no more than one hundred (100) certifiable signatures of registered voters in the City of Cambridge. The Commission has prepared an information kit for candidates containing important dates, Commission policies, services, and publications. The kits will be available with the nomination papers on July 1st. Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Nomination papers will be available through the July 31 submission deadline, but it is advisable that a candidate pick up papers early and get started collecting signatures. The process is an excellent way for a new candidates to “get their feet wet” and acclimate to the process of asking for support. ALL pages of your nomination papers must be notarized and there are a total of three sheets. You will also want to get a current database of registered voters. This is available from the Election Commission free of charge to any candidate who has pulled nomination papers. Voter history files and the street listing are also available. |
Mon, Aug 2: | 5:00pm deadline to submit nomination papers & statements of financial interest for candidates. A minimum of 50 valid signatures must be filed and a candidate may submit up to 100 signatures. Once a voter's signature has been recorded for a particular candidate, it cannot be used for another candidate in the same race. That is, a voter should sign for exactly one candidate for City Council and one candidate for School Committee. Candidates should submit as many signatures as possible over the minimum of 50 because it is very likely that some signatures will not be certified. It is advisable that all signatures be checked against the voter registration list before submitting them. Candidates do not have to submit all their signatures at one time, and it is advisable that signatures be submitted as each sheet becomes full. The Election Commission staff traditionally checks signatures soon after they are submitted, so it is possible to know how many signatures have been tentatively certified in case it is necessary to obtain more signatures to reach the minimum of 50 certified signatures. Actual certification is only official when the Election Commission votes to approve them. |
Mon, Aug 16: | 5:00pm deadline for Election Commission to certify signatures on nomination papers. |
Wed, Aug 18: | 5:00pm deadline for municipal candidates to file withdrawal of nomination. |
Wed, Oct 13: | 8:00pm deadline to register to vote in municipal election. In person registration hours are 8:30am to 8:00pm at Election Commission office only. (Mail in registration must be postmarked by Oct 13). |
Mon, Oct 25: | Deadline for School Committee candidates and Political Committees to file Municipal Campaign & Political Finance Reports. (City Council candidates should consult their OCPF packets regarding depository-filing requirements). City Council candidates are required under state law to set up a depository account at a bank. The bank will report all deposits and expenditures directly to the state's Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF). School Committee candidates are not required to set up a depository account, but they must file a campaign finance report in mid-October and at the end of the year. |
Wed, Oct 27: | 5:00pm deadline to apply for absentee ballot by mail. |
Mon, Nov 1: | Noontime (12:00pm) deadline to apply for absentee ballot for over-the-counter voting. |
Tues, Nov 2: | Municipal Election. Polls are open 7:00am until 8:00pm. It is expected that the Election Commission will report preliminary election results Tuesday evening (Nov 2), but this tally does not include auxiliary ballots (write-in ballots and other ballots not yet counted for a variety of reasons). These will be scanned and tabulated on Wednesday. Unofficial election results are expected to be announced on Wednesday when all of the auxiliary ballots have been included. The official election results will not be complete until any overseas absentee ballots and provisional ballots have been included on Fri, Nov 12. |
Wed, Nov 3: | 9:00am-5:00pm. Ballot count resumes at Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue, Central Square. |
Fri, Nov 12: | Overseas Absentee Ballots and Provisional Ballots will be counted at 5:00pm. |
Regular Election Commission Office Hours: (Unless otherwise indicated) Mondays: 8:30am to 8:00pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 8:30am to 5:00pm Fridays: 8:30am to Noon |
Holidays: The Election Commission will be closed for the following holidays: Independence Day - Monday, July 5 (Legal Holiday) Labor Day - Monday, September 6 Indigeonous Peoples/Columbus Day - Monday, October 11 |
City Council Campaign Receipts and Monthly Bank Reports – 2021 Cambridge Chronicle - City Council Cambridge Chronicle - School Committee Cambridge’s ballot questions explained: Here’s what you need to know (Oct 14, 2021, Cambridge Chronicle) MCNA City Council Candidate Forum |
There will be no endorsements on the Candidate Pages - just the information provided by the candidates. Links to other pages will be added when clarification of topics is warranted. Volunteers willing to write about specific topics and do some fact checking are very welcome. 2021 Candidate Pages 2019 Candidate Pages 2017 Candidate Pages 2015 Candidate Pages 2013 Candidate Pages 2011 Candidate Pages 2009 Candidate Pages 2007 Candidate Pages 2005 Candidate Pages 2003 Candidate Pages Site last updated: Sunday, July 30, 2023 11:13 PM |