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I am running for the Cambridge School Committee because of my experience as a public school parent and community activist. I want every child and family to have the experience my family had – to have both strengths and difficulties met with appropriate support. As a parent representative on the School Council, I learned many families had a different experience. King Open stated that it was social justice school and we all struggled to make that a reality. As a social worker, I view the whole child in the whole environment and focus on social justice and equity when creating policy. I understand that in order to access the curriculum, a child must feel socially and emotionally safe. Classroom and school cultures matter. Our teachers may offer rich, rigorous curriculum and powerful instruction but if a child’s environment feels unsafe, a student will not take the risks she or he needs to take to learn. Our district’s most urgent concern is not all students have full access to the education they need to reach their potential. This a human rights issue. It creates a loss for particular individuals and the community as a whole. All our students are all our kids. We need to advocate for the right of all students to a rich, rigorous education. Our public schools must be student centered and support teachers. I know the power of this focus, both professionally and personally. Improving achievement for all students In my first term, I addressed this. I focused on widening our understanding of family engagement, raising learning expectations for all students, and increasing the amount of time our most vulnerable students spend in the classroom, where they need to be to learn and remain engaged in school. I led the discussion on the district family engagement team to create a partnership between families and teachers to support student learning. I advocated for training in cultural proficiency for administrators and new teachers to raise expectations for all students and improve family engagement. Ensuring that teachers and administrators have high expectations for all our students made this a key strategic budget item. I am pushing to create a common language and practices around culturally responsive instruction and curriculum. Building a safe, supportive, nurturing environment in our schools Social-Emotional Learning remains a growing edge for the district. We have lots of wonderful pieces of the SEL puzzle, but they are not integrated fully. I pushed for evaluation of our SEL programs, not only as separate elements but as an integrated whole. How do our programs reinforce the development of healthy student and community member identities? Our students will need emotional intelligence as they navigate a different work world, where teamwork is critical. I am concerned about the increase in mental health issues among students from JK – 12 in our district, other urban districts in Massachusetts and nationwide. Some increase may be due to increased consciousness and attention to student mental health, school refusal, and trauma. However, we need to be cautious to balance therapeutic inventions with appropriate academic challenge. We must fully implement student IEPs and accommodations in the classroom. I am concerned that student supports and special education are interchangeable terms in our district. The roles of guidance counselors, school psychologists, school adjustment counselors, and social workers need to be delineated. These roles have overlapping training. Through evaluation of these roles, our district could more effectively use their training to assist students and their families. I also sense from discussions with families that the lag time for general education students, who need services, is too long, and why student supports or services should be a broader umbrella. In September 2014 in my annual discussion with the Superintendent, I advocated for significantly reducing suspensions. The majority of principals agreed to eliminate suspensions for three months. With the students in the classroom, we were better able to ascertain the needs of the students, the teachers, and others in order to have more appropriate responses, such as restorative practice, that rebuild and strengthen our classroom and school culture. I know the power of restorative practice as I worked with an organization that used it for families and friends affected by homicide. We want students in the classroom learning: our data indicates that we have work to do meeting the needs of these students. Engagement in learning, attendance, and appropriate responses when students encounter difficulty in the classroom are critical for student achievement and supportive classroom cultures. Building a cohesive and collaborative leadership culture within the School Committee and with the leadership of the District Superintendent Evaluation and School Committee/District Leadership Norms I participated in my first Superintendent Evaluation process. The structure and evaluation process has challenges, including what the Committee selects to evaluate and that the evaluation occurs annually rather than throughout the year. This lessens its ability to be a constructive tool for continuous improvement. An important step in improving the Committee’s working relationship with the Superintendent (both the present and the future) was the establishment of norms for the School Committee and District Leadership. I was a member of the School Committee/District Leadership Norms subcommittee. We agreed communication, governance, and improvement norms. Each School Committee member and the Committee as a whole will evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of these norms throughout the year. Instituting long-range planning for budgetary and programmatic decision-making Ensuring strong and positive working relationships among the Cambridge Public Schools, City of Cambridge programs, and nonprofit partners City Council members have shared their concerns the School District budget most often at the end of the process. The School Committee and the City Council need to set a more collaborative tone and objectively consider the successes and the challenges in the School District and in the multiple programs and initiatives for children, youth, and students in the City Manager’s budget. To begin that discussion, the City Council and the School Committee will be holding a roundtable in mid-November. I look forward to having several opportunities for discussion throughout the budget process. I feel this we help us all understand our separate and collective responsibilities to help all our students to reach their potential. This September, I was appointed Co-Chair of the Budget Committee. Working with my Co-Chair Richard Harding, I intend to make the process more transparent and increase the engagement of teachers and parents my colleagues started last year. We will have some hearings at community locations, similar to what we did with the superintendent search. This created more access for teachers, parents, and other community members. We also may include department and partner reports as appropriate. It’s important that the School Committee members hear directly what the needs are in the School District. I am proud of the work I have been able to accomplish in my first term on the School Committee. If I am re-elected, I will work with my colleagues to build a strong working relationship with our new superintendent. I ask for your #1 vote for the Cambridge School Committee on Tuesday, November 3. I have worked hard and accomplished much in my first term. I would be honored to continue to serve you. In her first term on the Cambridge School Committee, Kathleen worked to increase access to educational opportunities for all students, mitigate social and emotional challenges many students bring to the classroom, and engage parents with different experience and backgrounds to directly support their child’s learning. She has concentrated on:
As a Cambridge public school parent, Kathleen served on the King Open School Council and the King Open Extended Day Council. Previously, she was a small business consultant for an economic development program in low-income areas in Boston. As a social worker, she has concentrated on community organizing and building. She worked at an organization that used a restorative justice model to assist families and friends responding to homicide. Additionally, she participated in the Boston Busing Desegregation Project, which after completing three years of community dialogue work, developed a history curriculum now being used by Boston Public Schools. Kathleen earned an MBA from Simmons and an MSW/MA from Boston College. With her husband, Brian Corr, and son, Liam, a CRLS senior, Kathleen has lived in Mid-Cambridge for almost 25 years. October 8, 2015
Gary Howell-Walton, MSW, Co-chair of NASW MA PACE said, “Kathleen’s experience as a social worker, small business consultant, and Cambridge Public Schools parent makes her an asset to the Cambridge School Committee. Her work on increasing family involvement in learning, high expectations for all students through cultural proficiency training for administrators and new teachers, and academic time in the classroom for vulnerable students by pushing for fewer suspensions is vital to student achievement and learning. Kathleen has brought a strong social work perspective to the Cambridge School Committee with her emphasis on equity, access, and excellence for all.” “I am proud to receive this endorsement from NASW MA-PACE. I appreciate the chapter’s recognition of the important policy work I have done in my first term on the Cambridge School Committee,” said Kathleen Kelly. “I am running for re-election in order to continue the work I started.” Kathleen earned an MBA from Simmons and an MSW/MA from Boston College. With her husband, Brian Corr, and son, Liam, a CRLS senior, Kathleen has lived in Mid-Cambridge for almost 25 years. We encourage all of our Cambridge members to give their #1 vote to Kathleen Kelly for Cambridge School Committee on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 and to email her campaign at Kathleen@kathleenmkelly.com to volunteer. CCTV candidate video (2013) |
Page last updated Saturday, October 31, 2015 11:50 AM | Cambridge Candidates |