Hello Neighbor,
I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce myself and open up a dialogue for continued discussion on improving our wonderful city of Cambridge. My name is Sukia Akiba and I am running for Cambridge City Council. I am progressive and a strong advocate for social justice, our environment, sustainable transportation, affordable housing, universal free pre-k, mental health and LGBTQIA+ rights.
The city council needs a fresh perspective and new blood in order to move forward and make significant strides in 21st century issues.
A brief description of some of my beliefs are outlined below.
The environmental crisis is the number one issue facing every individual on our planet. The affects of increased greenhouse gases continue to warm our planet which coincides with melting of our polar icecaps and subsequent rising sea levels. 85% of greenhouse gases come from buildings. As your city councilor, I will back legislation requiring all new building projects be Net Zero compliant and would offer tax incentives to current homeowners to bring their homes to Net Zero compliance. Cambridge needs to be a leader in the Net Zero initiative.
Additionally, I’d like to increase the tree canopy, Cambridge has been losing over 7 acres of tree canopy each year. We are causing irreversible damage to this planet; our children & grandchildren will not be able to fix the damage we have caused. Ignorance can no longer be an excuse, we must act and we must act immediately!!!
Over 60% of Cambridge residents commute to work sustainably – by either walking, biking or taking public transportation. My goal is to improve the safety and viability of these means of transportation so that percentage goes up even higher. If there are less cars on the road – there is less traffic congestion, less parking issues and less greenhouse gas emissions. We should look to create separated bike paths on all major routes. We should look to create more raised crosswalks to make it safer for our walkers. We should also have more bus routes – including routes in the evening and early morning hours so that public transportation is an option for everyone.
It’s a disgrace that Cambridge does not offer free pre-k to its children. There are numerous studies which show the benefits for those who’ve attended pre-k. It’s time for the leaders to stand up and advocate for our children who cannot speak for themselves. We have to provide universal pre-k. I want to ensure that every child in Cambridge has access to the highest quality of education. We need to invest in our children and I want to guarantee all 3 and 4-year-old children have access to free quality pre-k.
Affordable Housing
I do not want to spend too much time talking about the lack of affordable housing because we are all aware of it. Instead of talking about affordable housing like every other candidate I want to talk about solutions to tackle this crisis. If elected it will be a top concern because no one should have to choose between food or rent, and that is a reality for many members of our community. This city is being run by real estate developers and I vow not to take any money from any real estate developers. I will put the people Of Cambridge first!! Enough is enough!! Vote for me if you believe it is time for a change in Cambridge & you are tired of the excuses.
Let’s be honest – mental health impacts all of us. It is time for us to talk about it and get rid of the stigma. More than 50% of American adults know someone who’s battled addiction issues. Very often substance abuse leads to or results from mental illnesses. Additionally, over 20% of America’s youth suffer from mental illness every year. Those numbers are simply too high. Let’s not forget about the LGBTQ community, which are twice as likely to suffer from a mental health conditions and never receive treatment for such. Currently, there exists a lack of integration between primary care providers and adequate resources for mental health. This has to change! We must improve the availability and quality of mental health care and healing facilities in the City of Cambridge.
Yes, I have little experience in this realm – but I do have the heart, mind, and intellect to promote and make healthy changes. Yes, the world can look a little intimidating from my viewpoint – but I am more than qualified to bring a fresh perspective and powerful change to this community. I hold a BA in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Boston and a Master’s Degree in Global Policy & Management from Brandeis University. I am very keen on education. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a neighbor, and a friend. I do not favor the rich over the poor, the Black over the White, the Straight over the LGBTQ – but I favor ALL of humanity and what is best for every human being.
As your next Cambridge City Councilwoman, I will do all within my power to ensure that your voice is heard. For this reason, I request your #1 vote.
It is time for a change, it is time to break the barriers that keep us divided. It’s time to build a better Cambridge.
I am Sukia Akiba and I am honored to be the next woman who is entrusted with leadership in Cambridge.
If you would like to learn more about my campaign, please visit www.SukiaForCambridge.org. Additionally, we are always looking for campaign volunteers and campaign contributors.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact me at 857-800-6116.
If you would like to contribute to the campaign https://sukiaforcambridge.org/donate-2/
CCTV candidate video (2019)