Kathy Podgers

Kathy Podgers
2007 Candidate for Cambridge City Council

Home address:
148 Pearl St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

Contact information:
Tel: 617-642-3154
website: votekathy.blogspot.com 
e-mail: vote.kathy@yahoo.com 

Send contributions to:
I will not accept contributions to my campaign. I have serious concerns about campaign finance, and believe that the media covers how much the candidate raises rather than asking the hard questions that reveal to the voters where the candidates stand on the issues. This can contribute to low voter turnout as the voters can perceive that there is no real choice as they do not see any real difference between the choices offered to them.

BFA degree in Painting, graduate work and certification in education, curriculum design, vocational, adm, etc. Taught K-12 as area supervisor, 9-12 as department, post graduate school in China, (Economics Institute), business advisor to yearbook ( put this publication into the green for the first time ever), and more.

"Commercial Artist" and assistant to the editor of two national trade papers.

Experienced outdoorsman, climbed and hiked through snow fields and glaciers, camped on the desert, wilderness photography, and more

Volunteer work includes work with individuals and groups.

Travel includes Italy and China, as well as most of Eastern Canada and the USA.

I have created a Top Ten list that serves as my "PRIORITY" for work In City Council, and I hope to expand on this both here and in the upcoming debates.

I believe the City of Cambridge, like other Cities, is facing several serious challenges, and needs leadership that can and will bring critical thinking skills to solving these challenges in a balanced and effective way.

Specifically, I will support ...(please note this list is not ordered in any way)

Specifically I oppose:

  • Phase Two of the Urban Ring

Facing Climate Change and Global Warming 

I urge anyone to contact me with their concerns, and I welcome everyone's concerns. Is anyone listening? 

I believe that no one should be expected to trust the "politicians" but I do believe the politician should trust the voters. The candidates should trust the voters enough to tell them the truth, and not worry if they won't be re-elected.

This candidate has not yet responded to the following:
3) Quality of Life and Public Safety (including rodents, noise abatement, etc.):
4) Traffic, Parking, and Transportation:
5) Municipal Finance (Budget, Assessments, Property Taxes, etc.):
6) Government and Elections (Plan E Charter, City Manager, staff for councillors, etc.):
7) Land Use, Planning, Economic Development:
8) Human Services Programs: [including youth programs and senior programs]
9) Open Space, Parks, and Recreation:
10) Energy, the Environment, and Public Health:
11) Housing:
12) Arts and Public Celebrations:
13) University Relations:
14) Civic Participation:
15) Cambridge Public Schools:

Page last updated November 02, 2007 Cambridge Candidates