City Council Candidates Night for 2019:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7pm to 9pm
CRLS – Main Cafeteria - 459 Broadway

MCNA is again hosting all certified candidates for Cambridge City Council to present their views to the voters on major issues facing the city in the next two years.

Our format is unique. We will assign four or five candidates to each of five round tables in the High School cafeteria, plus one MCNA moderator at each table.

We will start promptly at 7pm with a brief one-minute introduction by each of the 22 candidates. The evening is then divided into five 20-minute segments, with one major topic discussed in each segment. Each candidate remains at the same table all evening, but each of the five major topics moves from table to table every 20 minutes until all five tables have discussed all five topics.

Voters who want to hear a particular candidate's position on all five topics can simply listen at the same table all evening. Those who want to hear every candidate's position on one particular topic can move from table to table every 20 minutes as the topics move.

MCNA's unique format has made this a spirited and well-attended event in the past. We have every expectation it will be so again this year and we very much look forward to seeing you there. Do please put us on your calendar.

Fritz Donovan, Presiding Officer
Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association